chicken fajita salad

CHICKEN FAJITAS ~ With and without tortillas

It’s sometimes difficult to make dinner for a family with different dietary needs.

The LOML and I are trying to stay on a semi-Keto diet (high protein, low carbohydrate with some cheats) while our kids can eat whatever the heck they feel like! Oh, to be young again!!

One of our favorite go-to meals is…

Print Recipe
chicken fajita salad
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Keyword chicken, peppers
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Keyword chicken, peppers
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
chicken fajita salad
To grill chicken
  1. Marinate chicken breasts with Zesty Italian dressing for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Grill at 350° for 4-5 minutes on the first side, 3 minutes on the second side.
  3. Cut into thin strips. Serve on platter.
To cook vegetables,
  1. Add 2 Tbsp. cooking oil to a large skillet. Add salt and onions. Sauté until carmelized, about 5-6 minutes on medium-high heat. Set aside.
  2. Add 2 Tbsp. cooking oil and salt. Sauté peppers until soft and tender, about 7-8 minutes on medium heat. Set aside.
  3. For the kids, we heat the tortillas for one minute in the microwave covered with damp paper towel.
  4. Serve vegetables on a large platter.
  5. Fill bowls with condiments ~ shredded lettuce, cheese, pico de gallo, guacamole, salsa, and anything else your family enjoys on their fajitas.

The kids had their fajitas with the tortillas and we had fajita salads.


chicken fajita salad

Dinner was delicious and the LOML and I can feel good that we didn’t cheat on our Keto diet. YEAH!!

This past weekend, we bought all the wood to make our barn doors for our master closet and master bathroom. We built one door and I’m in the process of staining it. Can’t wait to share it with y’all.

Happy Wednesday!!

Home is Where My Heart is

Love y’all,
