corn maze family

KEN’S KORNY CORN MAZE ~ an annual competition

Hello All!!!

Hope your weekend was a good one!

Ours was very productive and a lot of fun!

Here in NC it is nice and cool. It really feels like fall and I’m lovin’ it! (Did anyone else just sing the McDonald’s song?)

Saturday the LOML and I ran to Lowe’s Home Improvement to pick up some deck paint. We had our back deck power washed so we could clean it up, paint it, and make it beautiful. Here is a picture of the before power washing. YUCKY!!!


And here is an after power washing.

power washed deck

The power washing really took off the mold and paint. I’m excited to paint and make this space beautiful!!!! This weekend we began the painting process by lightly sanding the whole deck and railing and painted all the white railings with bright white paint. I also painted the doors the same color blue as our front door.

Here’s a before. Pretty boring!

deck doors

And a walk down memory lane…my beautiful blue front door.

front door fall 2019

Come back and see pictures of the after.

Sunday, the whole family went to Ken’s Korny Corn Maze.

We’ve been doing this every year for many years and it gets more enjoyable every time we do it. We break up into teams and race the course to get the best time. It’s gotten more and more competitive to the point where it has become stressful. No one wants to come in last!!

This year we have a different dynamic (one fiancée, two girlfriends who have never attended one of these crazy competitions) so we decided to break up into couples. Son #1 and his fiancée, Son #2 and his girlfriend, Son #3 with his two sisters, Son #4 and his girlfriend, and the LOML and me (alias the old people). We were predicted to come in last place by every one of our competitors!! The disrespect all up in here!!

corn maze family

I’m going to be “that” mom for a second…each of these people makes my heart swell with pride!! Each of them is kind, funny, smart, and as they talk about their futures, I’m amazed at the courage and strength each of them has. Also, they’re a pretty good-looking group if I do say so. I’m not crying!!!

Okay, back to our regular scheduled programming…..

First, we received instructions from the nice lady in the fluorescent orange ski cap. We learned what and what not to do. Each team received a card with the letters KENS CORN MAZE with a time stamp so we knew what time we started the course. There are three areas (yellow, blue, and orange) for each word. We had to find each letter station and punch a hole in the corresponding letter on our card.

corn maze instructions

Then we had to grab a flag so if we got lost, someone could locate us to save us.

corn maze flag

And we were off!!

corn maze letter station

corn maze tower

corn maze finish

We had so much fun “slowly walking” the maze. No, seriously, we were illegally running!!

After we were done, there was corn hole, checkers with small pumpkins, an animal farm, swings, a playground and a lot more to do.

corn maze corn hole

corn maze corn hole 2

corn maze observers

corn maze swings

corn maze ducks

corn maze turkey

corn maze goat

We had so much fun at Ken’s Corny Corn Maze. It was a beautiful sunny, cool day. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day to spend some family time with a little competition added in. And on a side note ~ we did not come in last as predicted by E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. WOOT WOOT TO THE OLD FOLKS!!!

Please come back to see our new deck!!

Home is Where My Heart is

Love y’all,
