PicMonkey Collagewreath



Guess where I went shopping yesterday??

Oh yea!!

Usually when I go to Hobby Lobby, I have a long list of items I want to purchase. But this time I just wanted to browse with my sweet friend, then eat some lunch and just spend some time enjoying each other's company.

When you enter this particular Hobby Lobby, you are greeted by a huge selection of bins filled with brightly colored fake flowers. There are aisles and aisles of these beauties. So my sweet friend and I went wild picking flowers that we loved to add to our decor. My sweet friend wanted to change up her front door wreath. I wanted to add a bit of color to my pantry door.

Recently, I've been looking at this door….


…..thinking "it needs something."

I knew I wanted a touch of yellow with a little white and of course, my favorite apple green. 

Here are the supplies I picked up.

1. Grapevine Wreath


2. Yellow Flowers


3. White Flowers


4. Peacock Ribbon (to win points with my sweet daughter #2. Remember her peacock bedroom?)


5. Peacock Feather


6. Twist Ties


My lovely creative friend that accompanied me to Hobby Lobby made the beautiful bow out of the peacock ribbon I bought. She has a cool bow maker that she picked up at Michael's. I'm going to have to get me one of those cool tools. I love the bow she made for me!!!! Isn't it beautiful?? I've learned many things from my beautiful creative friend. A cute saying she shared with me when making flower arrangements is

"Thriller, filler, spiller"


Step One

For the filler, I added the yellow flowers sprinkled throughout the wreath.


Step Two

For more filler, I sparingly inserted the white flowers with a little greenery.



Step Three

For the thriller, I added the beautiful peacock bow to the top of the wreath. WOW!!


Step Four

For another thriller, I added the glittery peacock feather for a little bling bling.IMG_6547

Step Five

I added some more ribbon to the top to hang the wreath to the pantry door.

I had no spiller for this project but that would be whatever hangs down off the planter or wreath.

It's a great thing to remember whenever you're dealing with flowers.

And to the reveal…..

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Maybe you flower experts can let me know what flowers these are. I have no idea about flowers at all. Forgive me for my ignorance!!

Are you adding Spring colors to your house?

Next for me, the outdoors! I need to start planting some pretty flowers to add some life to the outside of my house.

Thanks for visiting!


Love y'all,




  1. Hi,
    Luv’ your page! I just stumbled upon it while looking for where to buy glittery peacock feather decorations. Your yellow flower is called Forsythia : ) and my mom has a miniature wreath with it on a plate stand in our kitchen : ) she also has (in the Spring time) a big pot outside on our front porch that she displays the yellow forsythia in : ) God bless

    • Thanks Riley!

      I love forsythia! I have it all over my house. Now I know what it’s called thanks to you. Have a great week! ~Linda

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