Thanksgiving 2019



(two days late)!!!!!

How was everybody’s feast?

Our family had a great day!!

We had eleven hungry family and friends and no one went home hungry!

Here’s a little snippet of our day.

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Dad taught Daughter #1 & #2 how to stir fry the best shrimp fried rice EVER!!!

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Son #4 prepared his special baked sweet potatoes. They were yummy! He just cut them into chunks, sprinkled them with vegetable oil, paprika, and garlic powder and baked them for about 30 minutes.

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I’m getting ahead of myself but here’s the yummy dessert. Pumpkin pie. Which one is keto and which one is not??

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We were blessed to have this beautiful lady drive over from Charlotte to spend a couple of days with us. She is an old friend (35+ years of friendship) and she still looks in her twenties. How does she do that??

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Son #2 and his beautiful girlfriend who squeezed us in between work. We were so glad they made it. Love them!!

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Son #1 and his beautiful fianceé who brought some yummy keto dishes for us to try.

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Everyone enjoying a wonderful meal of turkey, fried rice, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes, spaghetti squash lasagna, corn bread, cranberry sauce, and rolls. We ended it with pumpkin pies and keto chocolate cake. I know y’all are drooling!!

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Our annual Thanksgiving picture that is a wonderful time line of how the kids grow, old and new friends, and wonderful memories. Each year there are always new faces, different faces that come and go from our lives and we love each of them. We miss the ones that have to leave and cherish the ones who come and stay for awhile or longer. We are thankful for each and every one of them.

Thanksgiving 2019

I pray your Thanksgiving was full of family and friends, and love and laughter and many things to be thankful for.

Home is Where My Heart is

Love y’all,
