Christmas 1994

IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE ~ How time flies!

As the LOML (Love of My Life) and I were thinking of the upcoming Christmas holiday, we were talking to Son #1 about our first Christmas as just our little family of four here in NC. We realized that this month is the twenty fifth anniversary of the day we packed up our little family and all our belongings, left all our extended family and moved 773 miles north to our two bedroom apartment and the beautiful state of North Carolina.

The LOML’s company was closing in our town in S. Florida and everyone was being transferred to either Austin, Texas or Raleigh, North Carolina. We both grew up in the town we were leaving and both of our families were all living in the same town. Everyone was at the airport to see us off and I remember being unable to stop the tears. It was exciting and frightening all at the same time.

December 1, 1994, the LOML, Son #1 age 4, Son #2 age 18 months, and myself boarded a plane to the unknown. I couldn’t think of three other people I would rather be facing this new adventure with than my three favorite men on the planet!!

After we moved into our new apartment, we settled in nicely. There wasn’t a whole lot of extra room so we ended up buying a small tabletop Christmas tree from Lillian Vernon. I remember the boys sitting on the kitchen counter helping me decorate with ornaments and garland.

Christmas 1994

Since we’d been married, every holiday was spent splitting our time between two families either together or separately so our holidays were jam packed with action. There was sometimes a little friction, too. Family can be tough sometimes 😉

Our first Christmas in NC was a whole lot different. I think we stayed in our pj’s for most of Christmas Day, no makeup, unbrushed hair, the boys all had their bedheads!! We had the boys all to ourselves, opening gifts, making dinner, and just snuggling on the couch in front of the fireplace for our first real winter. It was stress and drama free and it was heavenly!! While we cooked our Christmas turkey, the boys finally had time to play with all their new toys!

I look at this picture and my eyes tear up. It seems like yesterday but also 100 years ago all at the same time. It seems like so long ago that acid washed jeans were in style 😉

In the blink of an eye, the boys are now 29 and 26 and I’m asking myself how that happened!!! Twenty five years later, our Christmas celebration will be filled with four more kids, girlfriends, friends, and our first fianceé and grand dog and we’re still celebrating Jesus’ birthday and loving every minute of it. Things have changed…I get dressed, put my makeup on and brush my teeth and hair and hopefully no one comes over with bedhead (and the acid-washed jeans are history!!). The kids who live outside of the house come over whenever they can so our driveway is packed with cars. It noisy and fun and I wouldn’t want to spend my holiday with anyone else!!

How do y’all spend your Christmas celebrations? With extended family, friends, or just a cozy family time? However you spend this holiday season, I pray that you have much to be thankful for while you spend time with your loved ones.

Home is Where My Heart is

Love y’all,
